Home Court Special Rules
The use of the court and equipment is restricted to adults.
Balls may not be intentionally rolled over the gazebo brickwork to prevent ball damage, and JUMP SHOTS are not allowed to prevent lawn damage. A ball which comes to rest or goes out of bounds on the gazebo brickwork, shall be placed on the boundary line at a point near that occurrence, but not close to any brickwork. This is to reduce possible mallet damage from striking the brickwork. When a ball is OFF-SIDES, meaning more than half-way to the next hoop before the current hoop is made, it is up to the opponent to call it off-sides before it is played. When so called, the ball remains where it is and the turn is missed. Note that a ball is not considered off-sides when it got to its position as a result of striking or being struck by an opponent's ball. When a game time limit has been reached the game goes into last turn in which each ball has one additional shot. White tops and bottoms are typical worn during croquet play. While the Celebration Croquet Association does not require this attire, white tops are strongly encouraged. Enjoying drinks, a lunch or dinner at the Windmill Restaurant court-side patio is highly encouraged. Bringing pets and children is strongly discouraged. |