Ball Replacement - American Play

After each shot, any ball that:
If two or more balls are sent out of bounds, or come to rest less than nine inches from the boundary, the striker shall have the option to place any ball in bounds first, with the other ball(s) measured in bounds afterwards.
A ball that occupies a boundary position and is not moved by another ball (except a ball in hand) retains that position. Any ball that comes to rest nine inches or more from the boundary shall retain that position. If another ball cannot be measured in because of the ball, it shall be measured in as provided in rule 8.3b.
An opponent may place the striker ball or any other ball required to be placed in bounds only if the opponent has the consent of the striker.
- goes out of bounds,
- stops less than nine inches inside the boundary line, or
- is replaced less than nine inches inside the boundary line after a fault,
- If the striker ball stops less than nine inches inside the boundary line and has a continuation shot remaining, the shot is played from that position.
- After a roquet, if the striker ball goes out of bounds or stops inside the nine inch line, the striker ball is ball in hand. (rule 6.2a).
If two or more balls are sent out of bounds, or come to rest less than nine inches from the boundary, the striker shall have the option to place any ball in bounds first, with the other ball(s) measured in bounds afterwards.
A ball that occupies a boundary position and is not moved by another ball (except a ball in hand) retains that position. Any ball that comes to rest nine inches or more from the boundary shall retain that position. If another ball cannot be measured in because of the ball, it shall be measured in as provided in rule 8.3b.
An opponent may place the striker ball or any other ball required to be placed in bounds only if the opponent has the consent of the striker.