Blocking Wicket
A striker is blocked (stymied) from scoring a wicket if:
- at the beginning of the striker’s turn, any part of one or more balls on which the striker is dead intrudes in the direct path the striker ball would take in attempting a possible shot to score the wicket, or would hamper the striker’s normal backswing in an attempt to make a possible shot to score the wicket (“Possible shot” means a shot that is not a jump shot and that the referee believes would have any chance of scoring the wicket if the intruding balls that the striker is dead on, and the intruding balls that the striker is wired from and is not responsible for, were removed.); and
- the opponent created the block by:
- becoming responsible for the striker ball’s position, and thereafter the striker’s side did not become responsible for any blocking ball, or
- becoming responsible for all blocking balls, and thereafter the striker’s side did not become responsible for the striker ball’s position.